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Facts About Cigars That Smokers Should Know


Every smoker wants to visit our cigar bar in Florida to experience the euphoria that cigars bring to their senses. They can enjoy their cigar while having the best smoke of their lives while spending time with their friends or complementing the cigar with a round of liquor.

However, smoking cigars in a cigar shop will be more enjoyable with some facts about cigars. In such a way, smokers can understand the science behind cigars and the enjoyment it brings to every smoker in the world. Here are some facts about cigars:

  • Cigars are natural
    Cigars you enjoy in a cigar lounge in Miami Beach, Florida, or anywhere in the world are made of tobacco leaves. Tobacco leaves are parts of a tobacco plant containing strong chemicals that contribute to the satisfying effect when you smoke. The bottom line is that cigars are made of tobacco leaves with no additional ingredients.
  • Cigars are fermented
    Wine and other fermented products undergo the process of fermentation. Natural ingredients undergo fermentation to extract alcohol. Tobacco leaves also undergo fermentation but without the presence of alcohol. They undergo extreme heat and pressure to extract harmful substances before introducing them to the market.
  • Cigars have three major parts
    Cigars have three major parts: wrapper, binder, and filler. The wrapper is the outer leaf that coats the cigar. The binder is a tobacco leaf that holds the filler together. Lastly, the filler is where you can get the most out of your cigar.

Do facts about cigars interest you in smoking cigars more often? If yes, we invite you to visit our smoking lounge in Florida and experience what cigars can offer to your overall satisfaction. We at Black Cat Cigar Lounge open our doors to dedicated smokers like you.

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